10 Pregnancy Perks You’ll Miss Once Your Baby is Born

Pregnancy perks

Towards the end of your pregnancy, it’s only natural to get a little restless. You’ve waited almost 9 months to meet your little bundle of joy, and now the big day can’t come soon enough!

But however excited you are to meet the little one, be careful not to wish away this special time! Today we’re rounding up all the fabulous little things about being pregnant that you may not realize you’ll miss until it’s over.

Here’s a list of our top ten perks of being pregnant:


1)      Having a Secret

Nothing beats having a juicy secret – and as secrets go, a baby is a biggie! Many couples choose to keep their pregnancies a secret to begin with; then later on you can tease friends and family by keeping them guessing about the gender!


2)      Smiles From Total Strangers

As soon as your pregnancy begins to show, you may find that people become very friendly all of a sudden! Strangers will start to smile at you on the street, other mothers may give you knowing looks, and people will start to give up their seats for you. Smile back and enjoy it – you’re spreading joy!


3)      Guilt-Free Naps

As you may be all too aware, growing a baby takes a lot out of a girl! During pregnancy, catching 40 winks during the day is not just allowed, but practically prescribed! Take advantage of a sneaky guilt-free nap whenever and wherever the mood takes you and stock up on sleep while you can!


Check out Missy Lanning and Mama Natural‘s top ten


4)      Eating for Two

This may well be the only time in your life when putting on weight is the goal – so enjoy that extra chocolate brownie – you deserve it! What to Expect recommend that you get an extra 300 calories per day during the first trimester, an extra 350 per day through the second and a completely decadent 500 extra calories per day through your third trimester. So go ahead and indulge those pregnancy cravings – you’re growing a little person!


5)      Stylish Maternity Clothes

No restrictive waistbands or nasty harsh fabrics here! Good quality maternity clothes are specifically designed to be gentle against sensitive skin; so they will be some of the softest, most comfortable clothes you will ever have the pleasure to wear. But that doesn’t mean you’ll be compromising on style – At Seraphine all of our maternity clothes are designed with a focus on fashion, so that you can continue to work your signature style throughout pregnancy.


6)      Being the Center of Attention

Everyone knows that being pregnant makes you just a little bit special! Suddenly you are the center of attention and everyone wants to know how you’re feeling, carry your bags and offer you a seat. Make the most of all the love and attention now, because we all know who’s going to be hogging the limelight once baby arrives!


7)      Pregnancy Brain

You probably won’t miss those days when you run out of the house without your handbag, forget where you parked your car and end up missing appointments left, right and centre…. But you may well miss being able to blame these little scatter-brained instances on being pregnant!

Shop Maternity Clothes

8)      Shopping

So many adorable baby things to buy and so little time! Whether you’re kitting out the nursery, deliberating over buggies, going gooey over teeny tiny baby booties or treating yourself to a stylish new pair of  Seraphine maternity jeans; relax and enjoy the retail therapy.


9)      Beauty Bonus

All those extra hormones racing around your body may have you in tears for no apparent reason, but they do have their up-sides. Your hair may be thicker and a little more lustrous than usual, or you may notice that your skin begins to glow, and you will almost certainly notice a little extra va-va-voom in the bra department! Just a few little beauty perks to expect while you’re expecting.


10)   Taking Part in the Miracle of Life

It may sound cheesy, but your pregnancy is incredibly special. You are creating a whole new little person and bringing them into the world! This is something that not everybody gets to do in their lives, and it’s an experience to cherish.



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