10 things to remember when you become a second-time mum

Content creator Corinne Hately-Richards shares her thoughts on welcoming baby number two

When Corinne and River Hately-Richards met in London back in 2015, they loved seeing the world together. In February 2021 they welcomed baby Mila into their lives and continued to travel, documenting their trips – with the aim of helping other parents have the confidence to adventure with kids in tow.

Now they’re expecting baby number two and here, Corinne shares her top tips for getting ready for your second child.

I feel like there is a lot going on in my head as I prepare to become a mum for the second time. I wanted to jot down a few things to remember as I enter into motherhood again.

Corinne Hately-Richards

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Read on, and be sure to visit her Instagram @northsouthtravels or northsouthtravels.com  to see some of the incredible journeys the family has made. 

Second-time mums, remember…

  1. Ultimately, the extra work of raising multiple children will be worth it

I’m not under any illusion that transitioning from one to two won’t come with its challenges. Some I’m prepared for, some I can’t possibly foresee, but I know that, no matter what – it’ll be worth every single second. 

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2. You’ll be better prepared for labour this time around

 When I was pregnant with Mila, I was induced at 40 weeks + 3 days. In hindsight I feel it was too early to have been induced: she wasn’t ready yet, but I was living overseas where the maternity care varies from the UK.

Plus I feel when you’re pregnant with your first, you’re at the mercy of the midwives more. This time around, as long as baby is OK, I will be happy to wait a little longer until she is ready to come. I want to listen to my body and trust my natural instincts. 

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3. Choose devices with two in mind, eg, a baby carrier for indoor use, or a hands-free breast pump

I didn’t babywear lots with Mila. I had a carrier, but it was more for outside use when we went for walks etc. However, I feel I may come to rely on one more with the next so I can have my hands free in general to play / cook / look after Mila, too. 

4. Involve your older child 

The age gap between Mila and our newest addition will be just over three years. A huge perk of having a three-year-old is that she’s always happy and eager to help. She helps me with cooking, cleaning and laundry, so I’m definitely going to utilise her interest and get her to help lots with her little sister.

5. Get out the first-born baby clothes 

When we left Dubai we sold a lot of the big baby items, but I kept lots of Mila’s first clothes, a) because I couldn’t bear to part with them and b) in case we ever had a second baby.

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6. Remember the hard times will pass

When you’re a first time mum, you naturally worry about most things to do with your baby and stress over the various stages, unsure what’s wrong or how long it will last. This time around I know everything is just a phase and the time will pass.

I want to give Mila time to adjust, and on days when things perhaps aren’t going as smoothly as hoped, to pick my battles. Parenting is SO much easier when you’re not having to say NO all the time. 

Corinne Hately-Richards

7. Prioritise one-on-one time with each child

This is something I’m very conscious of. My bond with Mila is so special to me and I want to keep some one-on-one time for us to go on a baby chino date, shopping or to play at the park. Double plus: I will get one-on-one time with Mila and River will get the same with baby.

8. Enjoy the help 

When I had Mila we lived in Dubai and it was Covid times. I didn’t have the physical support of family or a huge network of friends to rely on. This time around we are back in the UK, close to my mum and family and River’s are only a short plane ride away. Mila is also enrolled in a forest nursery for a couple of days a week which will allow me dedicated time to bond with my newborn little love.

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9. Love will be multiplied, not divided 

This is something I’ve been told over and over. I really can’t imagine life with two little ones although I realise it’s about to happen. When it does I know the love I have for Mila will only multiply for her and her little sister. 

10. Be open to your new baby’s needs

Just because your first born did things one way doesn’t make it wrong / right for your new baby to do it differently. Likewise, just because you may have struggled with certain things (breastfeeding, naps, colic etc) with your first, doesn’t mean that will happen again with your second. Every baby is different.

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Random Acts of Kindness: Little Things to Brighten Someone’s Day

In a world where you can be anything, be kind.

We could all use a little more kindness in our lives these days. So this week on the blog, we’re thinking about the little things we can do to brighten someone’s day.

1. Send a Surprise

Get the Look: Cotton Stripe Maternity & Nursing Dress

Receiving something exciting in the mail is such a simple thing, and yet it has the power to make someone’s day… Just think how happy you were to see the delivery person with your latest online order!

Why not send a little something to let someone know you’re thinking of them… whether it’s a hand-written letter, a bunch of flowers or a thoughtful gift for a fellow mama-to-be.

2. Call Someone You Love

Get the Look: Maternity & Nursing Hoodie

A friend you haven’t spoken to in a while, an elderly relative, your parents… get in touch today & show them you care.

Whether it’s on Zoom, FaceTime or a good old fashioned phone call, a check in & catch up can do the world of good.

3. Smile to Brighten Someone’s Day

Get the Look: Nautical Cotton Maternity & Nursing Jumper

The people you live with, neighbours you pass on the street, the person who serves your take-out coffee… you never know who could use a friendly smile.

4. Kindness for Kids

Get the Look: Cotton Maternity & Nursing Top

If you have older children, now could be a great time to get them thinking about their new role as big brother or sister.

Ask them to think about all the ways they could be kind to the new baby, and the things they could do to help you when baby arrives.

You could even turn it into a fun craft activity by creating & decorating a kindness jar, where they can keep all their kind ideas.

5. Don’t Forget… Be Kind to Yourself!

Get the Look: Grey Bamboo Maternity Leggings & Bamboo Nursing Bras, Twin Pack

You know what they say, you can’t pour from an empty cup…

Growing & raising tiny humans is hard work, so make sure you’re taking the time to be kind to yourself – you deserve it mama!

Baby, Unplugged: One Mother’s Search for Balance in the Digital Age

From watches that ping you the news to fridges that send you grocery lists… modern life is getting ‘smarter’ by the day. And, as writer and journalist Sophie Brickman discovered, parenthood is no exception.

In her new book Baby, Unplugged, the New York mother and self-confessed tech-skeptic embarks on a personal journey to find balance, reason and sanity in the digital age.

So, do we really need a smart baby monitor or a breast pump that connects to the cloud? We caught up with Sophie to find out more…

Watch Sophie on Good Morning America

First, we LOVE the book! What made you want to write it?

My husband is a tech guy. He works in tech and loves gadgets—loves to bring them home, strap them on his body, all that stuff. It didn’t really faze me until my older daughter was born five years ago. Her third day of life, she comes home from the hospital and bam, on goes a little tracker that’s supposed to monitor her heart rate.

In the wee hours of the morning, an alarm goes off—I of course thought something awful had happened, but it turns out the device had just lost connection to our wifi. In that moment I thought wow, all of this tech has been infiltrating my life for ages but I haven’t ever been really thoughtful about it, and now we have a baby in the mix—what is it doing to her?

So I went off on a journey to determine what tech was beneficial, which was awful, which should be shoved in the freezer and forgotten about until the new millennium. I spoke to a ton of experts who were all fascinating, and it helped me figure out a strategy for how to navigate all the tech that is thrown at us parents. The result is Baby, Unplugged.

When it comes to selling the latest tech, what do you think makes new parents such an easy target?

Get the Look: Maternity Loungewear Set

Sleep deprivation! Well, not just that, but it’s part of it. We’re a particularly vulnerable population: we haven’t done this before (the first time around, at least), we aren’t sleeping much, and the most important little human just arrived in our house, and we’re supposed to not just make sure he or she stays alive, but also make sure he or she thrives and conquers the world.  It’s a tall order, and marketers know they have us by the jugular.

Of all the experts you spoke to, were there any that made a lasting impact on your own parenting choices?

I spoke to many, many experts who impacted my choices, from Alison Gopnik, lauded developmental psychologist, who told me that all these little choices we’re making won’t really have a huge impact on our child after all (a very comforting notion, actually), to Jenny Radesky, who taught me a simple test to figure out if the tech I was giving to my kids was beneficial or not: give it to them, and then take it away, and see what they do in that moment. Do they have a tantrum? If so, maybe it’s not the best way for them to be spending their time.

And did you come across any gadgets or apps that you would recommend?

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There are of course ways to use tech in your life to enrich it (the ability to use eCommerce on my phone to purchase diapers and the like at the click of a button proved invaluable). Part of the reason I wrote the book was because I felt I was in the middle of two extreme camps: those who said you had to live off the grid and never show your kid a screen, and those who said ok, let’s plug the kid into the wall and come back in 18 years and they’ll have been spat out a perfect citizen of the modern world. I wanted to find a middle ground, to incorporate tech into my life in a smart way.

What about your maternity wardrobe? Were there any pieces you wouldn’t be without?

I basically lived in stretchy black leggings and an oversized button down white shirt for most of my pregnancies. My third coincided with the pandemic, so I’d already been wearing stretchy pants and comfy tops—I didn’t have to change much!

You talk about balancing tech & data with instinct & common sense. Do you have any tips for finding that balance?

Get the Look: 3 in 1 Knitted Maternity Cape

Check your gut. Is the data gathering actually making you calmer, helping your child gain weight, or sleep through the night, or whatever it is supposed to do, or is it cluttering up your mind with extra info? Is your child truly enjoying whatever program they’re watching, or app they’re playing, or are they zoning out?

What about as a working mother? Does tech play a role in how you balance work and family life?

I have a little closet in our apartment where I write and work, and the only piece of technology in it, besides my computer, is a ring light I had to buy to do Zoom interviews for book promotion! And our family would probably combust if I didn’t keep a very up-to-date google calendar of everyone’s whereabouts (three kids = NASA-level coordination of schedules). Otherwise, I try to keep it simple.

You completed your first draft right before the pandemic hit. How do you think the last year and a half has affected our relationship with tech?

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It was an interesting time to finish the manuscript because of course I thought, ok, I’m going to have to take this and throw it in the fire and start again. I was pleasantly surprised that many of the conclusions I came to in the book, pre-pandemic, remained true after it arrived: boredom is ok for your kids, don’t constantly feel the need to enrich every moment, and nothing can trump cuddling up with your kiddo and reading a book.

Of course the pandemic was a huge stress test on our reliance on tech. I am forever grateful that FaceTime exists, so that my parents were able to communicate with our children while they were quarantined in their apartment eight blocks away, and happy I was able to share photos of our (monotonously similar) days with them, too. I’m also grateful that we dodged the remote learning bullet—our oldest, Ella, is just starting kindergarten now. I looked in awe at my friends with older kids, who had to become teachers overnight, while working remotely themselves.

Lastly, any advice to share with new & expecting mums?

You know your kid better than Silicon Valley. You just do. You got this.

Get your copy of Baby, Unplugged now!

Nobody Tells You: The Must-Have New Book for Pregnancy & Parenthood

Pregnancy & postnatal expert & mother of two, Becca Maberly is the Founder of A Mother Place, a site which offers antenatal courses designed to prepare parents for pregnancy, birth & life with a new baby. This week her brand new book – Nobody Tells You – hit the shelves, so we caught up with her to find out more…

We had an early sneak peak & we can tell you, it’s an absolute gold mine of info, anecdotes & reassurance – a must-have for new or expecting parents!

Becca Maberly - Author of Nobody Tells You

First, tell us a bit about A Mother Place – What’s the Mission?

When I was pregnant with my first son, I was so lucky to have my dad, an Obstetrician at the end of the phone. It was amazing to have expert advice on tap throughout every trimester and to prepare me for my birth. I was like an A Grade student going in to ace my exam!  However, there was a bit of a gap in my knowledge as I failed to prepare myself for what came after the birth!

I created A Mother Place because I wanted to make sure that no mother felt as alone as I did in those first few weeks, months and years. When I first had my son, I was so confused and angry that there seemed to be so much stuff surrounding birth and the postnatal period that nobody had told me about. Everything seemed to be shrouded in secrecy until you were actually a proper part of this mystical mum gang…and then suddenly people are dying to talk to you about their piles and postnatal depression! That’s great, but I wanted to know about this kind of thing before hand, so I could be prepared!

I created online courses to help prepare women and their partners. My wish is that new mums coming behind us embark on their parenting journey with their eyes wide open and armed with all the information and advice they need to for the nerve-wracking times ahead!

Now tell us about the book!

Nobody Tells You (book cover)

It’s called ‘Nobody Tells You’ and it’s a collection of over 100 honest stories about pregnancy, birth and parenthood. It covers everything that Nobody Tells you from infertility and miscarriage right through to giving birth and eventually going back to work AND everything in between! We have some amazing, brave, funny, sad and wonderful stories from the likes of Megan Rose Lane, Clemmie Telford, Anna Mathur and Cat Simms and amazing expert advice from Obstetrician Roger Marwood, who happens to be my dad!

It is inspired by my own frustration at the lack of honest information out there and I really hope it will become an invaluable guide to those who are thinking about becoming parents, already pregnant or have become parents recently.

There is no scaremongering, no sugar coating, just reassuring and practical advice alongside personal stories that prove there is no “right way” to do it!

Enter on Instagram to Win Your Copy + a Fabulous Prize Bundle, Including a Seraphine Skin to Skin Top!

We love the bite-size format – perfect for dipping in & out of when you have a spare 5 minutes…

There are more than 100 different stories from men and women covering just about EVERYTHING  you can think of from trying to conceive right through to going back to work after having a baby, and everything else in between! 

Each story is accompanied by expert advice that explains any issues that are raised in the story and information about where to get help if you need it.  Despite the difficult and sometimes heart-breaking subjects we cover, the book is very positive, uplifting and funny too!

Get the look: Maternity & Nursing Tops Twin Pack & Easy Fit Black Maternity Pants

How did you go about compiling the stories?

We have an absolutely amazing community on Instagram, @amotherplace, and everyone is so generous with sharing their stories, whatever the subject.  When I decided to write the book I asked people to submit their stories and they just flooded in! 

Did any of them hit particularly close to home for you? (Aside from your own, of course!)

Yes, the breastfeeding stories really hit home for me. I had a particularly difficult time feeding my babies and it was very emotional for me to read about the struggles that others went through too. I also suffered from a ruptured ectopic pregnancy a few years ago which went undiagnosed and almost killed me, so the story that we share about that is very personal to me.

Get the Look: Shop Seraphine’s Skin to Skin Tops

Having delivered over 5000 babies in his time, Roger Marwood provides invaluable medical insights to accompany the stories in the book. What was it like navigating your own pregnancies with him on the end of the phone?

I felt so lucky and so privileged to have access to such expert advice 24-7. All my friends were always on the phone too – they still are when they have any pregnancy related questions!  When I set up our Online Antenatal Classes on A Mother Place, it was because I wanted to be able to share this resource with everyone else. I wanted everyone else to feel as confident and prepared as I did when I went into labour. And the online Postnatal Courses I launched more recently to help new mums in that nerve-wracking first year!

Becca Maberly & Roger Marwood - the authors

Lastly, any advice to share with new & expecting mamas?

It’s wonderful but it is also VERY hard work, but I think if you know about the tough stuff and you expect this, then often it will be better or easier than you thought. So be prepared, do your research. Understand how the human body is meant to work and how we are designed to give birth, but also understand that Mother Nature doesn’t always get it right, and if this happens to you then you do not need to be afraid. We have amazing doctors and nurses who can help deliver your baby safely.

You need to appreciate that your body and mind will change, not for the worse, but things will be different. If things don’t feel good for you after you have had a baby, then again, you do not need to worry as there is help and support out there for you whatever issues you are having. And above all, remember that however you are feeling, whatever you are going through, you are not alone.


You can find out more about Becca’s book & order your copy of ‘Nobody Tells You’ here.

At Serphine, we pride ourselves on offering innovative solutions to support new & expecting parents at every stage of pregnancy & early parenthood. You can shop our full collection online here

How to Achieve Self-Love with Silatha Founder Veroniek Vermeulen

Founder of meditation app Silatha, Veroniek Vermeulen is on a quest to break women’s mental health taboos and help busy mamas to harness the power of self-love through meditation: www.silatha.com

Today on the blog, she takes us through a set of exercises to help you on your journey to achieve true self-love… think of it as a little Valentine’s gift to yourself!


Valentine’s is a time to think about love. Often, we automatically think about others. Your partner, kids, parents, close friends and family. But what about loving yourself?

Self-love is accepting yourself as you truly are, flaws and all. Becoming your own best friend. This means, that you first need to take an honest look at who you are: all your positive qualities, your strengths, your super-powers (yes everyone has them!), but also your darker sides. This isn’t easy and doesn’t happen overnight, but don’t worry – it’s a journey.

1. Get to know yourself

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Get the Look: Seamless Bamboo Maternity & Nursing Bra 2 Pack

Start by making a list of all your positive traits. And be honest, you have many more than you think. It can help to ask people close to you what they value in you. Take the time to list it all. It should become a long list, which will keep growing as you evolve over time.

Then start with your less beautiful parts. How do you respond when you do not like something? Are you comparing yourself to others? How do you handle fears and worries? List them down for yourself. Again, be honest – without full honesty, it doesn’t work.

When you’re done you should have two lists, hopefully of a similar length. If not, likely you have missed a few in the shorter list.

2. Embrace yourself

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Get the Look: Love Active Maternity Leggings

Congratulations! You made a big step in being honest and open with yourself. It’s time to give yourself a big hug. Speak out loud that you love yourself, use your name when you do this, even though it might seem odd. Do this for as long as it feels comfortable.

While you literally embrace yourself, start to welcome all that is you, let it all be and know that all you listed is beautiful and okay.

3. Forgive yourself and others

Get the Look: Black Maternity Lounge Pants

The key now is to forgive yourself, for all you feel you did wrong in the past, for what you perceive as your faults in the present and for all that you will do in the future. Know that you are perfect as you are and forgive yourself for all that you are holding against yourself.

This goes for others too. Let go of any negative thoughts you have on others and know that they are perfect as they are. They do the best they can. Know that if you were them with their upbringing and life, you would act the same way. So let go of judgement and love and embrace everyone in your life. Now and in the future.

4. Set boundaries

Get the Look: Ribbed Maternity & Nursing Midi Dress

Knowing what your boundaries are allows you to truly see what you’re ok with and what you’re not ok with. And once these are fixed in your mind you can start to implement them. To have the courage to say no, even though it may not feel good to you in that moment. Even though this ‘no’ may not be to the liking of others. The most important thing is to be true to yourself. Realise that you are not responsible for others’ reactions or feelings. No matter what their response is, it is theirs to deal with and not yours.

The same applies to you: Remember that you are in charge of how you react. What’s important is that you care for yourself and whatever boundaries you have.

Take some time to reflect on what your boundaries are.

5. Set positive affirmations

Get the Look: Crossover Maternity & Nursing Sweater

It may help to develop affirmations that you can repeat for yourself every day and that will support you in your journey towards deeper self-love. For example:

  • I am enough.
  • I am compassionate.  I forgive myself.
  • I am perfect as I am.
  • I know how to care for myself and love myself unconditionally.

These should be personal, so take time to create your own.

6. Meditate on Self-love

Get the Look: Grey Bamboo Maternity Leggings

Meditation is a great way to connect to yourself. We recommend the Silatha Self-love meditation series on the Silatha app. There are over 50 meditations on the Silatha app, designed to guide you in growing your self-love. To get a taster of Silatha meditations you can follow this practical self-love meditation session.

It’s a journey

Shop Seraphine Maternity Jeans

Remember that building self-love doesn’t come overnight. Be patient with yourself. Notice when you act in ways ‘not in line with the core of your self-love’. By becoming more aware, you have a good chance of acting differently next time. Just acknowledging it, is already a great step on your journey.

For more information on Silatha, check out their website and socials

To explore how self-love meditations can enhance your life, download the Silatha app here:

Meet the Top 5 Baby Naming Trends for 2021

Are you welcoming a new addition this year? Looking for a little baby naming inspiration?

From travel & adventure to superheroes myths & magic, we’ve scoured the internet to bring you the top baby name trends for 2021.

Travel Inspired Baby Names

New mother kisses her newborn baby, wrapped in a Seraphine blanket.

Shop the Blanket: Cellular Baby Blanket in Organic Cotton

With travel plans scuppered for so many last year, some parents are wishing big adventures for their little ones.

Inspired by everything from maps & compass points to geographical highlights & dream destinations, we’re expecting great things from Atlas & Everest.







Powerful Baby Names

New mama holds her baby in the air. Strong baby names

Get the Look: Nautical Cotton Maternity & Nursing Jumper

This last year has understandably left many of us feeling a little powerless, so we absolutely love this emerging trend for strong, powerful names.

From superheroes & mythology to magic & everything in between… US comedian Nick Cannon named his daughter, born in December 2020, Powerful Queen!







Cottagecore Baby Names

Baby naming trends: mother with her new baby

Get the Look: Bamboo Maternity & Nursing Nightie

Cottagecore is a cultural trend that’s been steadily gaining traction over the past decade, all about longing for an idealised rural lifestyle.

But in 2020 the idea really exploded as many of us turned to slow-living & nostalgic pastimes in lockdown – everything from baking & crochet to planting & tending vegetable gardens!







TV & Music

Mum & baby in the Seraphine skin to skin top. Baby naming trends.

Get the Look: Black Cotton Skin to Skin Top

For many of us, music, TV & movies played a more important role than usual last year, many are turning to hit TV shows like Normal People & Bridgerton for naming inspiration.

Popular baby name site Nameberry even identified singer songwriter Billie Eilish as a trend all of her own – her full name is Billie Eilish Pirate Baird O’Connell – plenty of material to choose from there!







Bonus Trend: Valentine’s Day

Mama & Mini Valentine's Day

Get the Look: Mama & Mini Nautical Cotton Jumpers

For anyone expecting their new little love to arrive around Valentine’s Day, our bonus trend is one for you!








Happy baby naming mamas!

The Celebrity Pregnancy Edit: Who is Due in 2021?

The start of 2021 has seen a real flurry of celebrity pregnancy announcements.

From supermodels & singers to Hollywood stars, here’s our round up of the celebrity mamas expecting new additions this year.

Louise Roe

Get Louise’s Look: Shop Seraphine Maternity Jeans

TV presenter, fashion journalist & mama to 3 year old Honor, Louise announced her second pregnancy just last week!

She wore several Seraphine styles last time around – the picture is from 2018 while she was expecting Honor. We can’t wait to see how she dresses her bump this spring.

See more of Louise’s maternity faves

Karolina Kurkova

Shop Karolina’s Look: Black Seamless Maternity Leggings

Czech supermodel & mama to two boys, 11 year old Tobin & 5 year old Noah, Karolina announced in December that she is expecting baby number 3.

Karolina loved Seraphine while expecting Noah and was a particular fan of our maternity leggings & jeans.

Karlie Kloss

Supermodel & Project Runway host Karlie Kloss is expecting her first baby this year with husband Joshua Kushner.

As well as being one of the world’s most successful models, Karlie is also the founder of Kode with Klossy, a scholarship program for young girls interested in computer programming & software engineering – we think she’s one inspirational mama!

Binky Felstead

Get Binky’s Look: Shop Dungarees & Jumpsuits

Former Made in Chelsey star & mama to 3 year old India, Binky is getting set to welcome baby number two – a little boy – later this year.

Binky was a big fan of Seraphine maternity clothes throughout her first pregnancy – our store was even featured on the show! This time around she has been loving our dungarees.

Kelly Rowland

Due any day now, singer, actress & former member of Destiny’s Child, Kelly Rowland is getting ready to welcome baby number 2. A little brother or sister for 6 year old Titan.

Christina Milian

Get Christina’s Look: 3 in 1 Maternity Hoodie

Actress, musician & soon to be mama of three, Christina Milian welcomed her son Isaiah this time last year & now she is expecting again!

She loved our denim collection & was a big fan of the 3 in 1 babywearing hoodie.

Ashley Tisdale

Actress, lifestyle blogger & High School Musical star Ashley Tisdale is expecting her first baby this year – a little girl!

Hilary Duff

Actress, singer & former Lizzie McGuire star Hilary is expecting baby number 3 this year.

Mama to 8 year old Luca & 2 year old Banks, she has a children’s book coming out this march aimed at mamas & daughters. It’s called My Little Brave Girl & we can’t wait to get our hands on a copy.

Katherine Mcphee

Get Katherine’s Look: Striped Maternity & Nursing Dress

American actress singer & songwriter Katherine McPhee is expecting her first baby.

She has been spotted sporting several Seraphine outfits, including this gorgeous striped dress made in super soft bamboo viscose.

Mandy Moore

Singer songwriter & actress Mandy Moore is also expecting her first baby this year – a little boy!

Kimberley Walsh

Get Kimberley’s Look: Burgundy Maternity Shift Dress

British singer, TV presenter & former Girls Aloud member Kimberley Walsh is expecting baby number three. A little brother or sister for sons Bobby & Cole.

Kimberley relied on Seraphine maternity dresses for photoshoots, TV appearances & events throughout her last pregnancy & we can’t wait to see how she styles her bump this time around.

Bindi Irwin

Remember the Crocodile Hunter? Well Steve Irwin’s daughter Bindi is now expecting a daughter of her own!

And of course this is just a small selection of the 2021 celebrity pregnancies we know of so far… There’s also Princess Eugenie, Emma Stone, Rachel McAdams, Rose Leslie, Meghan Trainor & Dream Home Makeover designer Shea McGee to mention just a few!

Lockdown Looks from Seraphine Mamas Around the World

Remember travel? Hopping on a plane & turning up in a brand new city, luggage in hand, ready to explore…

Well today on the blog, we’re taking you on a whistle stop tour around some of the world’s top fashion capitals, to see what new & expectant mamas in London, Paris, LA, Melbourne & beyond have been wearing while staying safe at home.


Get the look: Black Lace Trim Maternity & Nursing Bra

Lingerie is one thing many of us have changed our ways on through lockdown, ditching the uncomfortable under-wired ones & replacing them with softer, more comfort-focused bras.

We love this pic of first-time mama Elizabeth wearing our lacy black lingerie set – the bra offers a comfy non-wired fit through pregnancy & easy nursing access afterwards.

Get the Look: Denim Maternity Dungarees & Striped Cotton Maternity & Nursing Top

We think this look by first time mama-to-be Emily is the perfect way to brighten up a grey lockdown day. Our comfy dungarees + a bold red lip… we are here for it!

Get the Look: Black Denim Maternity Dungarees

And if you prefer a more monochrome take on the look, Cate has got you covered. She teamed our black denim dungarees with a cosy grey knit & sneakers, matching beautifully with her décor!


Get the Look: Bamboo Maternity & Nursing Bras & Knitted Maternity Joggers

Parisian mama Nicole made the best of her lockdown pregnancy in our softest basics… we can’t get enough of these pics!

The bra is made in ultra-soft bamboo & the knitted joggers are an at home essential.

Get the Look: Maternity & Nursing Tops – Twin Pack

Soon to be mama of two Melanie kept things cool & casual in a pair of our ripped jeans & one of our basic white tanks. We love the classic look.


Get the Look: Black Midi Wrap Maternity Dress

Over in LA, mama of two Laura loved our black floral midi. The soft woven fabric & easy wrap fit are ideal for warmer weather – perfect for relaxing around the house or heading out & about.

Get the Look: Mama & Mini Sweatshirts

First time mama Jacqueline & baby Lua are perfectly showcasing our mama & mini sweatshirts.

Made in a super-soft cotton blend & featuring easy nursing access, we think this set is the perfect gift for a new or expectant mama.


Get the Look: Bamboo Nursing Bras – Twin Pack

Seraphine model & first time mama Christina was a complete convert to our bamboo nursing bras.

She said: ‘God bless Seraphine, the clothes are so functional and comfortable I wear them every day. Totally changed my views on maternity clothes.’


Melbourne mama Catherine was another fan of our black floral midi dress, which is also available in red & navy blue!

She teamed it with a cute leopard print mask & shades to take advantage of the perfect picnic weather.


Get the Look: Cotton & Lyocell Maternity & Nursing Shirt Dress

Singapore mama of two Cynthia rocked our Cotton & Lyocell Wrap Dress while out getting her essential groceries.

The cool cotton fabric & breezy design make this one perfect for warmer climates – we love her styling with classic white sandals & a matching mask!

We love your lockdown looks mamas – share yours with us on Insta @seraphinematernity & see more here.

5 January Must-Haves for Your Daily Walk with Bump or Baby

Over the past year, many of us have developed new habits, routines & rituals to help bring a bit of structure to our time at home. And for us, a daily walk has become an absolute non-negotiable!

Beneficial for both mind & body, it’s the perfect way to get outside, get moving & breathe some fresh air.  

Check out our top 5 must-haves for your winter walk, ideal before & after baby arrives…

1) The Super-Warm 3 in 1 Puffer Jacket

Seraphine 3 in 1 Puffer Jackets - perfect for your daily walk

Get the Look: Long 3 in 1 Maternity Puffer Jacket

Designed for bump, babywearing & beyond, our 3 in 1 Maternity Puffer Jackets will keep you & baby cosy in even the coldest climates.

The premium, ultra-warm coat offers a flexible fit that grows with your bump & comes with a detachable panel designed to zip up over your baby carrier after your little one arrives.

It’s even made using recycled plastic padding, so it’s good for the planet too!

2) The Baby Carrier

Caboo Baby Carrier for mama & baby's daily walk

Shop Baby Carriers

Of course, you can’t make use of the babywearing panel on our coats without a baby carrier to go with it! We love the carriers by Ergobaby & Caboo – both brands are certified as hip-healthy by the International Hip Dysplasia Institute.

As an added bonus, you can enjoy a £20 discount when you buy a Caboo or Ergobaby Carrier with your 3 in 1 coat!

Find your perfect coat & carrier combo & get the offer now!

3) The Pram Mitt

Seraphine maternity Pram Mitt - perfect for your daily walk with baby

Shop the Pram Mitt Now

The absolute best way to keep your hands warm & cosy on your daily walk, treat yourself to our Pram Mitt!

Lined in soft faux-fur, it fits on any pram with a single handle bar, and the best bit… it has a touchscreen-friendly phone pocket on the front, perfect for listening to your favourite podcast as you stroll!

4) The Face Mask

Seraphine maternity face mask

Shop the Face Mask

Our constant companion this year – don’t forget to bring your face mask! Perfect to slip into your pocket, just in case you run into unexpected crowds or decide to pick up some groceries on your way home.

Ours comes in a handy pack of two, is constructed in pure cotton & features a cute graphic heart print.

5) Daily Walk with Dad

Men's Babywearing Gilet by Seraphine - perfect for your daily walk as a family

Get the Look: Men’s Gilet with Babywearing Pouch

You didn’t think we forgot about Dad did you? We have babywearing essentials for him too! Our Men’s Babywearing Gilet comes with the same innovative zip-on pouch to keep baby cosy in the carrier.

It’s perfect as a stand-alone piece, or worn under his regular coat for that cosy extra layer on your daily walk as a family.

Happy strolling mama!

2020: Celebrity Style Edit & Maternity Fashion Highlights

2020, what can we say?… It’s been a testing time for us all. Certainly not a year we’re likely to forget in a hurry!

But in amongst the challenges & uncertainty we’ve faced this year, there have been bright spots. Moments of joy, success & support. And of course, beautiful new babies welcomed into the world.

At the end of this uniquely challenging year, we’re looking back at some of Seraphine’s highlights.

Princess Stephanie of Luxembourg

Get the Royal Look: Navy Blue Silk & Lace Maternity Evening Dress

Seraphine has long been a favourite amongst royal circles, and back at the beginning of the year Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie, Princess of Luxembourg sported several Seraphine outfits for official royal engagements.

She chose our silk evening gown to attend the New Year’s Reception at the Grand Ducal Palace.

See more of Stephanie’s Seraphine favourites here>>

Seraphine’s Second Consecutive Queen’s Award Win

One of the highest points of the year for us here at Seraphine was winning The Queen’s Award for Enterprise 2020. We last won this award in 2015, making this our second consecutive win!

The Queens’ Awards are one of the highest accolades for businesses in the UK & it is a huge honour & rare achievement to be awarded twice.

Find out more>>

Amy Willerton & Baby Demelza

Get the Look: 3 in 1 Winter Maternity Parka

TV presenter, model & new mama Amy Willerton welcomed her little girl back in January 2020. She was a big fan of our nursing clothes & absolutely loved our 3 in 1 Winter Parka – perfect for chilly walks with baby Demy.

See more of Amy’s outfits>>

Christina Milian & Baby Isaiah

Christina Milian wears a Seraphine babywearing hoodie in march 2020

Shop the Hoodie: 3 in 1 Maternity Hoodie

Christina Milian welcomed her baby boy Isaiah back in January. She was a fan of Seraphine maternity clothes throughout her pregnancy & loved our 3 in 1 Maternity Hoodie.

She kept herself & her baby cosy in it on their flight back home to LA ahead of the US travel ban in March 2020.

See more of Christina’s Seraphine faves>>

Rosie Wicks & Baby Marley

Get Rosie’s Look: Denim Dungarees & Mama & Mini T-Shirts

While her husband Joe Wicks the Body Coach kept Britain moving through lockdown with PE with Joe, Rosie was busy with baby Marley, who was born in December of 2019. We caught up with her early in the year for a photoshoot.

See Rosie’s Post Maternity Must-Haves>>

Millie Mackintosh & Baby Sienna

Shop Seraphine Lingerie

Model & Made in Chelsea allum Millie Mackintosh welcomed her little girl Sienna in 2020, with partner & former co-star Hugo. She was a big fan of our soft bamboo basics, from maternity leggings to nursing bras & tanks. She also loved our maternity dungarees.

See more of Millie’s faves>>

Seraphine Launches at Macy’s in NYC & LA

Seraphine X Macy's 2020

This was the year that we launched our partnership with Macy’s. You can now shop Seraphine maternity clothes at Macy’s flagship department store at Herald Square in NYC & South Coast Plaza in LA!

Find out more>>

Storm Keating & Baby Coco

Get the Matching Set: Mama & Mini Sweatshirts

Storm & Ronan Keating welcomed little Coco earlier this year. She wore several Seraphine outfits while pregnant & they both clearly love our Mama & Mini Sweatshirt Set… the look on their faces says it all!

See more of Storm’s faves>>

From all of us here at Seraphine, we wish you a fantastic start to 2021!

What’s in Your Hospital Bag? With First Time Mama Christina

Packing your hospital bag is the perfect way to feel prepared & empowered for labour. But it isn’t always easy to judge what you’ll need on the big day.

We caught up with Seraphine model & first-time mama Christina to find out what she’s packing in her hospital bag.

What’s in Christina’s Hospital Bag? Watch the Video

Here’s Christina’s list & the links to everything included… just in case you’d like to nab any ideas for your own hospital bag!

What to Wear During Labour?

Pregnant woman wearing maternity leggings & a tank top. Must-haves for the hospital bag

Labour can be a long & often messy process, so we advise a few changes of clothes to keep you feeling fresh. Some comfy leggings & tanks are ideal for the early stages, then our two pack of black button-down nighties are ideal for the main event.

They’re super soft & stretchy, and the practical button down design allows access to the bump during labour & then for skin to skin & breastfeeding immediately after.

Bamboo Maternity Leggings

Maternity & Nursing Tanks – Twin Pack

Black Button-Down Maternity Nighties – Twin Pack

What You’ll Need After Baby Arrives

New mother hugs her newborn baby in the Seraphine skin to skin top. A hospital bag must-have.

For the first 24 to 48 hours after having your baby, the hospital will usually want to keep you & baby in for monitoring, so make sure you have enough comfy clothes to recover in & everything you need for an overnight stay.

Nursing bras & clothes with easy access will be important – our Skin to Skin Top is also a must-have.

Bamboo Nursing Bras – Twin Pack

Skin to Skin Top

Maternity Joggers

Grey Marl Crossover Maternity & Nursing Sweatshirt

Seraphine Sleep Kit – Including a sleep bra, nightie & dressing gown

Things to Remember for the Hospital Bag

Don’t forget all those bits & pieces to help you through, from speakers, toiletries & snacks to a camera to capture those first special moments & all the chargers you’ll need to keep your devices alive.

Seraphine Travel Changing Mat & Pouch (perfect for toiletries)

Bluetooth speaker



Birth plan


Water bottle

The Going Home Outfit

New mum wearing Seraphine maternity & nursing dress with her baby

And finally, you may want to pack an outfit that’s a little more presentable (while still remaining super-comfy, of course!) for pictures with baby & any guests who visit as well as that all-important trip home with your precious newborn.

Cotton Chambray Maternity & Nursing Dress

Striped Maternity & Nursing Dress

Black Bamboo Maternity Leggings

From the softest essentials & nightwear to nursing must-haves & those first precious skin to skin snuggles – we’ve got you covered mama! Check out our full hospital bag packing guide online & shop the full selection here.

Happy packing mamas & best of luck for the big day!

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