The Gadget Show’s Pollyanna Woodward Shares Her Top 3 Baby Buys

Pollyanna is a television presenter, most recently on The Gadget Show. She and golfer fiancé Paul Casey are currently expecting their first child and have been busy preparing for their new arrival.


So the swollen feet have just kicked in….. It started after a day of tottering around Wimbledon on 2 inch heels – my feet showed their thorough disapproval and not discreetly. They looked like they’d gone 3 rounds with a swarm of bees! On the plus side, it lead to some TLC and a foot massage off the other half which was an absolute treat! I decided to wear my Seraphine long maternity maxi dress in purple for the event as purple and Green are Wimbledon’s official colours so it matched the occasion perfectly and most importantly I felt glam. And to be honest I haven’t had the opportunity to feel like that through most of my pregnancy.


Tiredness is starting to take hold again now so I’m trying to get as much organised and arranged as I can –  it would be nice for the last few weeks to be able to just relax a bit more and wait for our new arrival. However, I am more than aware that the next time I’ll get to completely relax after the birth will be a long way away!!


I haven’t gone too crazy with things for the little one. In fact if anything I’ve gone for just the basics and necessities, as once it arrives If I find I need something I can always get it then – otherwise the costs spiral out of control. I had no idea how expensive it would be just to prepare! However there are a few really useful Gadgets I’ve come across during my prep for the arrival that I wanted to share, as you may also find them useful.



1) The Magic Mitten

One of my earlier purchases was the Magic mitten – I demonstrated this on “This Morning” a few months back and it worked brilliantly – it’s to assist with relaxing and calming your baby if they are upset or distressed for no apparent reason. It emits white noise (the kind of noise they’d have heard in the womb) and a few other sounds on a frequency for baby. You hold it against their free ear while you hold them against you and it helps calm them! And it’s on a 10 minute timer so you don’t have to worry about switching it off.


2) The Snuza Go Baby Breathing Monitor

Another one was the Snuza Go baby breathing monitor. I first discovered this in the US and then looked for it in the UK as this could genuinely be a life saver! It’s a clip-on baby breathing monitor (it has no wires and is portable) which is going to be perfect for travelling or visiting people, and it connects to your Smartphone. It clips onto baby’s nappy with a rubber end touching their tummy, and it monitors their breathing. If they stop for over 10/15 seconds it vibrates to try and shock baby into breathing and if that doesn’t work it’ll send an alarm to your smartphone so you can quickly check on them. Ideally this will never have  to be kicked into action, but even so I consider it to be my most invaluable buy.


3) The Keep-it Kleen Dummy

And lastly dummies that close by Keep-it-Kleen – Not the cheapest dummies out there but these are super smart. As an auntie to 13 nieces and nephews I have seen on so many occasions my brothers and sisters having to suck and wipe clean dummies that have fallen on the floor. So when I discovered these, it was a necessity as a soon-to-be-mum – the less dirt I have to clean off the better! They have a built-in case around the teat that opens widely like a normal dummy but once dropped, it snaps shut before it hits the floor, protecting the teat from it’s surrounding environment – clever little device!


Watch Pollyanna demonstate the Keep-it-Kleen dummy on This Morning

I hope you find some of that useful! They are definitely a few of my must have discoveries.



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