They say that a dad is his son’s first hero and his daughter’s first love, and that you never quite know how much you love the father of your children until you see how much he loves them.
This is the month to love him back and celebrate all things dad! With Father’s Day coming up, show how much you and the little ones love the doting daddy in your life by finding or even making the perfect gift! Also, spread the love and upload a cute daddy & baby pic to our online gallery #justforlove. For every picture you add to the gallery, Seraphine donates a dollar to the charity Baby2Baby, helping struggling parents to provide for their children! Do it #Justforlove
The Kids Gift
We love the idea of getting the kids to make something for daddy. He’ll appreciate the effort, and getting crafty together is always a fun way to spend an afternoon. Have a look at this great Pinterest board for all the father’s day themed inspiration you’ll need. And for the really little ones, we think there’s nothing cuter than crafty cards and gifts decorated with baby hand or foot prints!
The Grown Up Gift

Photos by Dave Engledow
Of course when it comes to a grown up gift, buying for men often seems to be a tricky business – there’s only so many times he can pretend to get excited over a new pair of socks or a tie! If you’re in need of a little inspiration, check out these great Father’s Day gift guides:
Vivienne Westwood Wallets and Ralph Lauren Robes at Selfridges
Wallet Ninjas and Bathing Bad Bath Salts at Firebox
And if you’re looking for a gift that’s guaranteed to make him laugh, we love Dave Engledow’s hilarious photo book “Confessions of the World’s Best Father.” Check out some of the photos and read this great interview in People Magazine with the man himself.
A Moment of Love

Far more important than the cards and the presents, Father’s Day is all about celebrating the dads in our lives.
So this Father’s Day, show how much you and your children love the doting daddy in your life by posting a picture in our online gallery #justforlove.
Our #justforlove gallery is already bursting with beautiful images of mummies and babies, but in honour of father’s day, we’re looking to add a few more adorable dads into the mix.
Your picture could be a special moment between daddy and daughter, or a candid shot of some sweet father and son bonding, or even a gorgeous snap of you and your man – whatever it is, it has to capture a moment of love.
Watch the Video for a little inspiration:
The best part of all of this is, you’ll be helping families in desperate situations provide the essentials for their children.
For every picture you upload, Seraphine will donate $1 to the charity Baby2Baby!
You give a picture.
We give a dollar.
Visit our #justforlove gallery and upload your picture now!
Watch the Dad Casting – the “World’s Toughest Job” (It’s almost Father’s Day, so we won’t argue)
P.S. FOR MUMMY’S EYES ONLY: Check out our cheeky Pinterest board of hot daddies with cute babies – the ultimate guilty pleasure!
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