Mother knows best – Natural beauty treats from your kitchen cupboard!

We all know that mums are a very special group of women who are simply never wrong about anything  – well perhaps that’s not 100% true, but when it comes to natural beauty enhancing tips, we’ve found that our own mums can be a veritable goldmine of handy hints, tips and tricks.

During pregnancy, your hormones can tend to go a little haywire, and this can affect your hair and skin in all sorts of different ways, and you may also find that you are more sensitive to the harsh chemicals in your usual beauty products than before. At this point you could console yourself with some gorgeous new maternity clothes, but it’s also worth bearing in mind that natural home made beauty treatments can be a great way to give your hair and skin a little bit of much needed TLC without the nasty chemicals or the hefty price tag!

Here at Seraphine, we decided to ask our own mums for their top natural, chemical-free and pregnancy friendly beauty enhancing tips, and we were inundated with wonderful pearls of wisdom, based on generations of experience and cultural heritage! Here are a few of our favourites, along with some all natural recipes to help you try them out for yourselves.


Honey Face Mask


Face masks

Our PR girl’s mum Homa grew up in Iran and believes that a honey face mask is the secret to perfect skin.

Honey is a natural health and beauty hero which brings all sorts of benefits to your skin:

  • Natural antibacterial properties – great for treating spots
  • Antioxidants – to hold back the aging process
  • Soothing and moisturising – boosts your complexion
  • Opens up pores – clears and unclogs your skin

Visit The Nourished Life blog to find the perfect honey face mask recipe to suit your skin type.


Olive Oil Hair Mask



Our web manager’s mum Dannie is from the South of France, and attributes her soft and shiny locks to weekly olive oil hair masks.

Using an olive oil hair mask moisturises your hair to the max, helping to make it softer, shinier and healthier in general. Not only this, but it can also help to prevent dandruff, tame frizz and flyaways, and make styling a lot easier. A weekly olive oil treat for your hair really can work wonders.

The Chalk Board have posted a great recipe that mixes olive oil with honey, combining the moisturizing effects of both to create a super hair mask. Find the recipe here.


Sea Salt Scrub Exfoliators



Our copywriter’s mum, Caroline grew up on the South Coast of England, and swears by homemade sea salt exfoliating scrubs.

There are hundreds of manufactured exfoliating products on the market these days, and the prices range dramatically. At a spa you could easily pay a small fortune for a specialist exfoliating treatment, and while many of these will be very beneficial, it is so easy to create your own sweet smelling multi-purpose body scrubs using things that you can find in your kitchen cupboard!

Why not try one of these great salt scrub recipe ideas from Mother Nature Network.


So here’s to all mums – wherever in the world they may be – thank you for passing on your sage-like beauty wisdom!


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