Celebs, stylists, Seraphine: The best advice my mother ever gave me

“The only love that I really believe in is a mother’s love for her children.” – Karl Lagerfeld

With mother’s day fast approaching we came across this beautiful article on the Hungry for Change blog on a mother’s influence on the health of her daughter. It got us thinking about how influential our mothers can be in all aspects of our life, and how lessons learned young can stay with us forever.

Your mother is your very first teacher. She teaches you how to tie your shoes, how to clean your teeth and how to brush your hair. She guides your discovery of the world, introducing you to the wonderful things and shielding you from the bad until you are strong enough to handle them. The things you learn from your mother are often things that you carry with you your entire life long. Little pearls of wisdom that lift you when you need a boost, ground you when your head is reeling and guide you when you don’t know which way to turn.

In honour of mother’s day, we have gathered all the motherly advice and tips from celebs, stylists and Seraphine girls, asking the question: What is the best advice your mother ever gave you?


Cecile Reinaud – Seraphine Founder & Creative Director

Follow your dreams but don’t be a dreamer. What the mind can conceive, the mind can achieve!

Read more about Cecile Reinaud

Rosie Nixon – Hello! Magazine Editor

‘This too shall pass’ – it’s a well known saying, but somehow when mum says it, I believe her. Whether we’re talking baby tantrums, work stress or just a bad day, mum puts it all into perspective with these simple words.


Tina Fey

I get my sense of humor from my mom. There are so many quiet times you spend as a mother that aren’t glorified but are a foundation for your kids. No matter what, there was always a thick safety net under this trapeze.


Thea Lewis Yates – Freelance Stylist

On life – Always be kind. It’s the most important thing and how everyone will remember you.

On love – Don’t chase. The right person will appear in due course – the people who are meant to be in your life always find their way there.

On babies – If you’re happy, the likelihood is your baby will be happy too. Take plenty of time to nourish your marriage, friendships and life, and your baby’s happiness will follow suit.


Jessica Alba

She taught me to give a hundred percent, always. Never give up and, if you believe in yourself, anything is possible. We came from a very modest background — nobody was in the entertainment business. I had a dream to be an actress, and every time I would sort of get devastated she would always encourage me.


Alice – Seraphine Copywriter

My mum taught me to find joy in the little things in life, and always to treat others as I would like to be treated.


Charlotte Kewley – Freelance Stylist

My mum taught me… how to run my business! She was a head teacher (now retired) and always worked so hard and was super organised. Watching her inspired me to work hard. She also taught me how to create a spreadsheet! Not so fun, but necessary.


Jennifer Garner

My mom is a hard worker, she puts her head down and she gets it done. And she finds a way to have fun. She always says, ‘Happiness is your own responsibility.’ That’s probably what I quote from her and live by the most. If you have a tough road in front of you, it’s your responsibility to make it as joyful for yourself as you possibly can.

See more Celebrity Seraphine Styles


Catherine Hudson – Beauty and Fashion Writer for Prima Baby and Assistant Web Editor at Juniormagazine.co.uk

My mum has always taught me the great value of making my own mistakes. Growing up, I knew I would always be able to take chances and gain valuable independence without any judgement. I felt safe in the knowledge that she was always watching from the sidelines, celebrating my successes and supporting me when things didn’t quite work out. It has made me an open-minded person who will give (almost) anything a go. And I’m strong, like my amazing mum. I’m never usually one for cringe-inducing clichés, but my mum really did give me wings to help me fly – what better gift can a parent give?


Shirin – Seraphine PR

Don’t be afraid to go after what you want, if you don’t ask you don’t get! I wouldn’t have accomplished half of the things I’m proud of without her support.


Audrey Hepburn

‘Manners,’ as my mother would say, ‘don’t forget, are kindnesses. You must always be kind.’ — taken from – How to be Lovely: The Audrey Hepburn Way of Life


Annabel Kerman – Freelance Stylist

That having children doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice your own personality in the process, and that families thrive on happy, social parents. Also, it’s entirely possible to keep throwing raucous dinner parties with three children asleep upstairs.


Kate Hudson

Be happy. That’s the best thing you can tell your kids. Be happy — if not get drunk, and then you’ll really be happy!


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