Behind the Seams at Seraphine: A Sneak Peak at Our Design Process

Here at Seraphine, all of our maternity clothes are designed in-house at our London studio. Our talented team of designers and tailors see the entire process through from start to finish, ensuring care & attention at every stage.

This week we are offering you a sneaky look behind the seams at the Seraphine design process!


Seraphine design














It all starts with a beautiful idea, captured on paper. At this stage of the process, our designers put pencil to paper and visualise the maternity garments they want to create, from fabrics and fit, right down to the most delicate detailing.

Seraphine pattern development


When creating new designs for our LUXE Collection, we work with the finest silks and lace. It’s at this stage that the designers start to develop the design from a two dimensional drawing, into an actual garment that moves, drapes and flows. This is the time when the designers get to have fun with the fabrics, experimenting with the pattern to achieve a perfectly flattering drape.

 Seraphine toile


Once the designers are happy with the drape and the pattern, they’ll make a mock-up also known as a toile, to see how it all translates into an actual garment. This is a really exciting stage, as the maternity dress begins to take shape.


Seraphine fit model

Now the mocked up maternity gown is ready to be tried on for the first time! It’s at this stage that we bring in fit models to see how the dress works on a real pregnant woman. The designers look to see how the garment fits, drapes & moves, and ask for feedback from the model; then make any necessary amendments to the pattern.


Silk & Lace Maternity Gown
























A real labour of love; the finished garment goes into production and is ready to be worn! A beautiful option for your next glamorous occasion, direct from the Seraphine design team, to you.



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