My Baba founder, Leonora Bamford on life, style and pregnancy

The gorgeous Leonora Bamford is the inspirational mum behind successful parenting site My Baba – a treasure trove of tips, tricks, advice and general life hacks for pregnancy and parenting. Leonora lives in London with her husband and two little ones, and took the time to chat to us about life, style and her experiences of pregnancy.


1) Can you describe your style in 3 words?

Easy, relaxed and wearable.



2) How did you adapt it when you were pregnant?

I wore pretty much the same styles as before, just bigger.  The one thing I invested in early on were pairs of pregnancy jeans with the nifty elasticated waistband.  I couldn’t have lived without them.


3) We love MYBABA – What inspired you to set up a parenting website?

My husband.  It was more of a blog in the beginning with little tips, but literally overnight it turned into something much more, with fun interviews and so many brilliant experts and bloggers coming on board.  I think I’ve been really lucky!



4) Finding the perfect work life balance can be tough – if you could have one super power what would it be & how would you use it?

Would it be boring to say, cloning?  I would love to split myself in two.  I’m totally neurotic and I never think anyone can do things as well as I can.  I know it’s not true but I feel calmer when I’m in control.  It drives everyone around me mad!


5) Life with two little ones must be a lot of fun – did they get up to any mischief this summer?

Too much to mention.  They’re very close in age and they’ve become best friends this summer.  Lots of whispering at night, making ‘secret agent’ plans, ones that don’t involve adults!

My Baba

6) We can’t get enough of the recipes section of MYBABA – what’s your favourite thing to cook with your kids?

I love cooking with the children and our most favourite family recipe has to be pancakes on the weekend.  Not crepe style, but big, soft, fluffy American style pancakes with lashings of maple syrup and homemade chocolate spread.  We love making Natasha Corrett’s Nutella – we keep jars of it in the fridge. I’ve just started a YouTube channel with lots of great child and family recipes and there will be a few pancake recipes cropping up.


7) We are confiscating your makeup bag – you’re allowed to keep three essential cosmetics. What do you choose?

Laura Mercier concealer, Tom Ford bronzer and Bamford lip balm.



8) Who are your heroes? Can you share your top 3 inspirational women?

This one often changes but for today, Arianna Huffington for making me realise that you can have a business and be a good mother, Coco Chanel for being the chicest woman on earth and my mother for writing her first book aged 62.


9) What was your favourite pregnancy outfit when you were expecting?

Bruce Oldfield made me the most beautiful black chiffon swing dress when I was about to pop.  Nothing fit and I had to go to a really smart party.  I remember I had my make up done for a treat and slipped into this gorgeous dress that made me feel beautiful. For everyday though, I had some great maternity clothes from Seraphine that i just lived in.



10) Do you have any advice for expectant mamas? What do you wish you’d known sooner?

Take help when it’s offered.  You don’t have to do everything and sleep is important.  If a friend comes over and offers to look after the baby, don’t feel you have to stay chatting. Go and have a bath and wash your hair, get into a clean nightie and catch a wink or two.  Look after yourself.  A happy mama leads to a happy home.



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