Maternity Style with Nathalie Bernadotte of Kensington Mums

Nathalie Bernadotte is a partner and event manager at Kensington Mums – a local London network aiming to provide support and to help mums make connections and forge friendships. Nathalie has a lively 2 year old Leonardo and a brand new baby daughter Sienna – she opens up about maternity style & becoming a mother of two.


1)      First, congratulations on welcoming your beautiful new daughter! How are you finding life as a mum of two?

THANK YOU SO MUCH! Two months in and I still can’t believe I’m a mum of two… the joy is hard to describe!

Its not easy as my son is going through the terrible twos at the moment so many tantrums to handle and In all honesty, I had forgotten how tough it is to wake up several times per night breastfeeding. But again, I can’t and don’t want to complain – it was always my dream to be a mum so becoming a mum of two; what a blessing!!!!

My son adores his little sister and cannot wait for her to be a little older and play. It’s a special bond and I am so happy to have been able to give this to them.



2)   We love your maternity style! Can you sum it up in 3 words?

Thank you! hmmm, shall we call it ‘The Seraphine Style‘? 3 words, that’s tough but I’d probably go with ‘practical‘, ‘comfortable‘ and ‘me‘.


3)   How did you style your bump? Are you more of a fitted kind of girl, or did you like to keep things loose and flowing?

I surprised myself during pregnancy – I normally wear loose & comfy clothes but during pregnancy I enjoyed showing off the bump with more tight & fitted outfits.

On one specific occasion, my 30th birthday, I wore the Seraphine Claret Lace Maternity Cocktail Dress which I LOVE! All my friends were very surprised to see me in such a tight ‘sexy’ dress – I don’t think I would have ever dared without the bump.

But I must add that it also depends on the pregnancy. When I was pregnant with my son, I was due in September and wore loose tops and maternity dresses during the summer as it helped with dealing with the heat. This time round I was due in December and it was really cold so I preferred having tight warm clothes on me.



4)      Do you have a favourite piece from the Seraphine collection?

I’d say most dresses from the Luxe Collection! But the Silk and Lace Maternity Evening Gown I wore at a dinner party back in October has to be ‘the one’. I wore it in black but the Navy & Black combination is just a dream.

And I adore the ‘you + me = us‘ charity top. In fact I am wearing that today…and most days! (scroll down to see the picture!)



5)      How do you feel that being involved with Kensington Mums has helped you through pregnancy and as a mother?

I first joined Kensington Mums in 2013 as an expecting mum. I was the first in my close group of friends here to become pregnant. So meeting other mums-to-be was invaluable. It also helped me mingle with girls who, just like me, don’t have a family support system in London and have to go through pregnancy and motherhood with little support.

Kensington Mums helped me build confidence and make many new friends along the way – many of which I am sure will be good friends for a very long time.

Since becoming a partner in this business, it has been of great help in introducing me to many mummy related brands, companies and other mum-preneurs, which I would have never known about without working at Kensington Mums.



6)      Do you have any beauty or styling tips to share with other expectant mums?

Don’t lose yourself, look after yourself during pregnancy.

I know it can be a very challenging time in our lives and not being in control of our bodies can be extremely frustrating but it’s your body and it’s the same body you will have after giving birth so look after it. Rest when you need, exercise when you can and nurture it everyday.


7)   We are confiscating your makeup bag – you’re allowed to keep three essential cosmetics. What do you choose?

This is a tough one as I’m not big on makeup (mostly because I’m not very good at it) so it would have to be… concealer, mascara and lip balm/gloss (I’m obsessed with lip balms)


8)      If you could have one super power, what would it be & how would you use it?

Before becoming a mum I wouldn’t count this as a super power but now…. it would have to be PATIENCE and I would use it at all times with my little ones.



9)      Who are your heroes? Can you share your top 3 inspirational women?

I’m not sure I have any heroes or can name 3 individual inspirational women. I admire many women.

I have a lot of respect for single mums out there. I think that doing the job I do as mum can be extremely challenging and I am lucky and blessed to have my husband by my side to help me and don’t know what I’d do without him, so to know that there are women out there who do it all alone is just incredible.

I find most of my friends inspirational. They are ordinary people who can at times struggle through everyday challenges, but just get on with it. That to me is inspiring.

Women inspire me.


10)   What was the best piece of advice you received when you were pregnant?

Sleep when your baby sleeps! I completely ignored this advice the first time round and now that I understand it and want to put it into action, it’s impossible because when baby sleeps, 2 year old wants to play.


To find out more follow @KensingtonMums on Instagram and check out their website

All images by Kensington Mums



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